Do you cringe when you hear the grating and popping sound your child makes when they grind their teeth? If so, you’re not alone. That’s not the most pleasant sound, and many parents experience this because about 30 percent of children tend to grind their teeth at a young age. To help you ease your mind when it comes to... read more »
If you’re using whitening toothpaste, our dentist, Dr. Thomas Ouellette, has some tips for you. Most of the time whitening toothpaste only whitens the smile one to two shades. But, if you try to get the most out of your toothpaste, you might get better results. Our dentist is happy to tell you how to get the most out of... read more »
As you get older, each passing day is another day in which toot hazards can arise to damage your smile. However, it is also another day to enhance your smile and work on your oral health care to protect and guard your teeth. With daily healthy habits and effective tooth hazard prevention, your teeth can safely last a lifetime. Be... read more »
Are you seeking to improve your oral health naturally and effectively with little to no change in your cleaning routines? Are you aware that one of the biggest managers of your oral health is determined by the foods and drinks you consume? Many food choices in our world have ingredients capable of chewing through our tooth enamel and increasing your... read more »
Crowns bear the burden of protection. If your tooth enamel has failed or a tooth has become damaged, oftentimes a dental crown is needed to provide the future protection the tooth will need in order to thrive. Even teeth that may have fallen in battle due to wear and tear during meals may rise once more with the assistance of... read more »
The amazing benefits of dental flossing is an often-overlooked portion of dentistry that often goes unappreciated. Dental floss is designed to clean your mouth and reach the hidden areas in the inner recesses between your teeth to achieve the perfect clean. If your teeth and gums remain bacteria-free, they can continue to shine and work effectively for the rest of... read more »
While the tooth enamel layer on each of your teeth is designed to be durable enough to resist the advance of bacteria, it is nonetheless possible for poor oral hygiene to allow tooth decay to develop. When this happens, you might notice a change in texture, increased sensitivity, or general state of discomfort in the tooth. In a situation like... read more »
Have you visited your dentist and had a cavity filled? If so, you probably understand that having a cavity filled isn’t scary or painful. However, would you be surprised to learn that many patients who have had cavities filled and who have also had root canal therapy claim that neither treatment is much more uncomfortable than the other? Unfortunately, root... read more »
Are your teeth the cause of your bad breath? Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is the result of a nasty or foul odor deriving from your mouth. It is usually caused by poor oral hygiene but it may also be a symptom of a far more serious ailment within your mouth or body. Everything from the foods you eat... read more »
Gum disease attacks the gums and tissues that surround and support the teeth. This infection is a major cause of tooth loss in adults. Gum disease is caused by plaque, the sticky bacteria that form on the teeth. Gum disease is usually painless, so you may not know that you have it. However, there are some warning signs of this... read more »