Small cavities, chipped tooth enamel, and minor cases of dental attrition can often be treated with a simple dental filling. This mode of treatment will essentially replace the compromised area of tooth enamel restoring the tooths health.
Once the dental filling has been married to the surrounding tooth enamel it will effectively restore the normal function and comfort of the previously compromised. Good oral hygiene practices will help to maintain this strong relationship.
If you sometimes forget to brush your teeth each morning or night, or you are inconsistent with your daily flossing efforts plaque acids can build up in your mouth. Should they persist the acidic environment in your mouth could gradually start to demineralize your tooth enamel. This could potentially degrade the once strong relationship between the dental filling material and the surrounding tooth enamel.
If one of your dental fillings is giving you trouble, or you have lost one, it’s best to have the tooth examined as soon as possible by a qualified dentist like Dr. Thomas Ouellette. The size and location of the void left by a missing dental filling will influence the treatment plan that he presents to you.
If the original dental filling was small he might be able to apply a new dental filling to repair the area. This will require removing a small amount of additional tooth enamel to ensure a clean surface to bond the new dental filling.
If you live in the Denver, Colorado, area and have a tooth with a distressed or missing dental filling, you should call 303-296-1402 to seek treatment at Thomas E. Ouellette, DDS, PC.